Friday, October 10, 2008

Our Week

It was busy, but thank God Matt was home. He is here with me for one more week before returning to the road. He will be gone every week after that until mid December including being gone for 8 days in a row in November! So if anyone is bored particularly on Wednesdays (when the girls are home and Matt is not), in the evenings, or anytime November 7th thru 14th, come on over. I can't guarantee a clean house, but my kids are always clean and I will do my best to get a daily shower of some kind :)

We ventured out to the pumpkin patch this morning. The girls had fun and we know next year will be even better. Adam slept the whole time of course since he was being held.

Adam is not turning out to be the good sleeping baby I always dreamed of. He is actually a terrible sleeper. He grunts and squirms almost all night. His best sleep is during the day - once in the morning and once or twice in the afternoon-evening. I am beyond exhausted. I keep waiting for the inevitable break down one goes through when they haven't gotten any sleep. It is coming, I just don't know when. We moved Layla to Hannah's room today so she will adjust within a few days. Then I can put Adam in his room. As long as I don't think he is going to suffocate or anything, he needs to grunt and squirm in his own room. Hopefully this will help me get some more sleep. He will let me know when he needs to eat, and I am hoping not to hear him until he really needs me. I know it sounds mean, but really - a mommy needs some sleep.

Right now our lives are just as crazy as I imagined they would be. I don't know if I will remember much of these days, but I am trying to enjoy what I can about having a new baby. I will not miss the lack of sleep, but I will miss the sweet way they cuddle into you and that wonderful newborn smell. I will miss the spontaneous smiles and little noises, but not the 12 poopy diapers a day. I'm sure I will get to hold a few more new babies in my day and then - I can give them back :)

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