Saturday, October 30, 2010

Random updates and a little bragging.

Last weekend was very busy! Hannah had soccer all three days which is a lot of soccer when you are 5. The weather was really awesome though so it was nice to be out.
Hannah has improved her skills x10 since the season started.

The girls cuddling.

Adam Driving. We took the little kids to the Friday night game since it was so nice. We re-verified, Adam is left-footed. So a left-handed batter, right -handed thrower, left- footed kicker. Interesting.

Saturday was our street fair. Bouncy house, slide, and horses. We lasted our usual 45 minutes until it gets very crowded with bigger kids and then we headed home.

We ended up having a few friends from the neighbornood come home with us to play.

The kids got their first jump in our leaves.

Adam needs a haircut, but I have major mommy issues realted to cutting these curls.

I think it is possible that Layla is going to be an actress. A very smart actress. She had her preschool screening this week and while she tested at the infant level in fine motor skills, she tested as a 5 year-old in language and concepts. The utter lack of fine motor skills is not bothering us because I am not even sure I understand how/if those are needed. I do know that Layla is very smart, very cute and very savy at getting attention.

Thursday was Hannah's kindergarten fall party. I went and we had a great time. Hannah was so happy to see me :)

A little pumpkin broom race.

That's it for now. Blogger is being wacky with my spacing so nothing posts exactly how I placed it, but it's the content that matters right? I will do my best to get pictures of my little fireman, Belle, and Super Girl up tomorrow night.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Professional Pictures 2010

On the only cold and rainy day this fall, we had our pictures taken at the Missouri Botanical Gardens. It was a challenge getting everyone ready and there so early, but it was even harder trying to convince them they were not going to freeze to death in the 50 degrees. Thank you to Jonathan, our photographer, for taking great pictures even when my kids were not cooperating.

I am hoping next year is a little easier on everyone. I've got big plans that involve my family, our photographer, and the City Museum!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Day Off

I had the rare opportunity to spend an afternoon with my little kids a week or so ago. We parked and we played all afternoon. They were so cute and so sweet like they knew it was a special day that mom was home.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Baby Monitor

We never use our baby monitor anymore. Mostly because we have no babies. Adam is perfectly capable of yelling when he is up and ready for someone to come get him.

This morning I was in the kitchen getting juice and chocolate milk and decided to turn the monitor on and see what he was up to (there was no yelling yet.)

Adam was sitting in his bed quietly singing twinkle twinkle little star. Sometimes out loud and sometimes in a wisper.

His version starts off correctly and then goes something like this:

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
up above the world so high
like a diamond in the sky
twinkle twinkle little star
how I wonder what you are
up above the world so high
like a diamond in the sky... over and over

It was the sweetest thing.

I asked him if he was singing when I got him up and he said "uh huh".

When I handed him his chocolate milk, he said "gink you, mommy".

And when I said goodbye, I love you, have a good day, he said "Kiss?"

We are doing something right.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Swimming in October? - Don't mind if we do!

It was 88 degrees and sunny on Sunday so we talked Grandma and Papa into warming up the pool for us. The water was also a very toasty 88 degrees and it turned out to be a lot of fun. We are so glad we decided to go - cranky two year old and all. He probably had the most fun!

The kids (including Matt and Papa) had a great time swimming. It was a bit chilly to get out of the water, but we enjoyed our last swim of the season and are looking forward to next year already.