Sunday, October 28, 2007

21 weeks.......

Where to start....The news of the day is that we are starting our second formula trial today. We are going to try for 5 days on the Neocate (the most expensive formula known to man). We tried this 2 months ago and it went badly so we are hoping for better results. I would nurse this baby until she was grown if I could eat some real food, but alas after 5 months of eating practically nothing, I have to try the formula again. I'd say it is nice to walk into a store and pick out any size 0 and know it would fit, and it is nice to eat a bag of chips and know I won't gain an ounce, but when the rest of my family is missing me at dinner, and my husband and I can't even go out and have fun, it ruins the joy of being thin. I am hoping and praying that Layla does well on the formula this time and I can return to a normal lifestyle. She is only drinking 3oz per bottle right now (because formula is gross) but she should get used to it in a day or so. I cried a little and will surely do so again over the next few days, but I'm kind of getting used to that. We also go back to the GI tomorrow to talk about doing the endoscopy to make sure we aren't missing anything.

So for some fun news. We took the girls to the pumpkin patch which was a blast! Hannah rode a pony and a train and had so much fun. Later that same day we went to our neighborhood block party where there were more ponies and bouncy houses! It was quite a day for an almost 3-year old. The girls dressed up in their costumes and were just so sweet all day.

Layla has not rolled since my last post.......hmmmmmm. Just not interested. She is however trying to get on her knees which is funny. She can't get on her hands and then try the knees, so she just face plants and sticks her butt in the air. She wiggles herself in a circle (not quite on purpose yet) which is a good start.

Layla also has her first ear infection this week. After 4 nights of up all night with no real fever, we finally took her in. The ear infection was early, but still - so sad. So between that and the formula - she is not a happy girl. Poor baby. Just can't catch a break.

Why do I feel like I never have good news?
Really I know it will all be ok and this is just another bump in our road. We are staying positive though and looking forward to the holidays with these girls!
Take care.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

19 weeks and rollin!

Layla can roll. She doesn't do it regularly yet, but I set her on her back and walked out of the room - when I came back - she was on her belly. She just grinned at me like "Look Ma! I did it!". She also can roll belly to back when she feels like it. So that is fun. She is trying so hard to sit up when you put her in her bouncy seat now so we know she will master that soon too.

Layla is still getting up around 2:30 to eat so we have made no progress there. I think next week we will also have to bite the bullet and unswaddle her too, which will be tough. We have tried a couple of times and it is no fun - Layla just likes to be swaddled. We are hoping that if we unswaddle and let her try to get herself back to sleep, it will help her sleep better. I'm not tackling this one by myself, so I am waiting for Matt to get back from Vegas.

Layla is really working on her speech lately and has multiple new sounds. My favorite is the one that sounds like 'mama'. She also has found her squeal which is cute. She doesn't do raspberries yet, but she does have her paci in most of the time, so eventually.

Layla and I have had quite a stretch. First we went to her 4 month ped appt. She weighed in at 14lbs 10oz and is 24 inches tall. She screamed bloody murder at her shots, but that is to be expected. We also found out Layla had thrush - ick. Well turns out by Wednesday I too had thrush so we are both being treated. It wouldn't be too bad except the medecine makes Layla sick. Her reflux and vomiting were back to as bad as when she was little. It was no fun. Then last weekend I got the stomach flu. Layla also was very squirmy and irratable so she was sick too. We are recovered now, but geesh - as if we need any more puke in this house.

Hannah spent last weekend with her grandparents and went to the farm. She had a great time and was very good. (Pics soon) At almost 3, Hannah is quite fun. She is very inquisitive and very sweet. She loves her daddy! They are like peas on a pod as soon as he gets home. We have made no real potty training progress lately - Hannah still doesn't quite get the pee thing yet. We are just trying to ler her work it out in her own time. She did for the poop, so we know she can. She's a bit backwards on the potty training, but that's pretty normal for Hannah. She has always had her own time-table for things. I have no idea how tall she is (very tall!) but she weighs about 30 lbs (skinny!). Her next dr visit will be in December for her 3-year checkup. We are hoping those ear tubes we had put in last spring do the trick this year and we don't have ear infection after ear infection like last year.
Life is pretty good these days. Busy, but good. I am tired by evening time, but I am finally enjoying my time with my girls :) I am so madly in love with both of them - it's just amazing.
Take care.