Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Surgery is over - Thank goodness!

The surgery is over and it went pretty well. The ear doctor removed fluid from behind both ear drums and said she should be much more comfortable now. Her balance and hearing should also be greatly improved. The GI didn't see anything alrming, but we will know more when the biopsies come back on Thursday. I am a little bummed. It sounds bad, but I was hoping to hear "Oh - we found X(something) and we can fix it!". Oh well.

Layla came out of anesthia very fussy and screamed for some time before falling asleep. We let her sleep for 1/2 hour and then came home. She did drink a bottle and hung out with mom for a while and is now back asleep. I am not holding her as she really didn't want me to, but I am staring at the video monitor on it's loudest setting and she is breating fine. A good nap will make a baby feel much more together after a rough morning.

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