Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Someone asked me how Layla was doing and I realized I had not updated in a while. Layla is doing awesome. We are going to trial dairy with her again this month and hope she passes this time. If not - we can't try again until she is 3. She still takes prevacid and we will try to wean her again sometime next year. I am not trying that until after the holidays since she is doing so great and I know she will get a lot of foods she hasn't had before this holiday season.

Layla is such a joy. She is a very happy toddler and very sweet and funny. She says over 100 words and even started stringing words together, so she is doing great. She climbs everything and is very coordinated and strong. She rarely fusses unless she is being bothered or she can't get something she wants. Even now, she has a terrible cold, but she is still in a pretty good mood. Her newest words are treat (thanks to Halloween candy) cookie and hot dog. She constantly suprises us with more things she knows and just says. When she wants to be held, she says "Got you". When she wants to go to bed, she says "night night". When she wants to eat she says "bite" or "high chair". She says "juice" is she is thirsty. She is just amazing. She is my momma's girl and we have a very special bond and I hope always will. She makes me smile even on my worst days.

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