Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Can we please get a break?

After another ear infection Layla was fine, but then woke up on Saturday with a fever. Then she stopped eating and drinking. She has some virus that causes blisters in her throat and mouth. I am still at home with her and have been straw feeding her pediatyte just to keep her hydrated. She woke up last night and just couldn't get back to sleep. I figured she was dehydrated and hungry and made her a bottle which she drank (thank God) and finally went to sleep. That was 1:30am. At 2:30 Hannah woke us up by throwing up in the hallway. She is now running a fever and puking. We were up until 5:30 with her. Layla woke up at 5:45. Hannah got back up at 6:30 and is running a high fever again.

I am having my second cup of coffee since finding out I was pregnant (sorry baby, but mom has no other options today). It tastes like tar. I also have realized after 3 days of carrying sick children around that I am terribly out of shape. My arms and back hurt, not to mention being out of breath. Having 3 kids in 4 years will do bad things to your body like this.

I have bleached the bathroom and sanitized the paci's and the toys, but I'm sure I've missed something. You can't get puke out of carpet and who knows what else Layla put in her mouth the past 3 days. I'm sure I'm destined to have a puking baby by tomorrow and a 3 year old with blisters in her mouth.

The only good news out of the weekend is that baby Shockley #3 is doing well. I know this only because I can finally feel the little peanut moving around. I suppose my days of forgetting I'm pregnant are over. This is a good thing as the sight of my ever enlarging belly kept shocking me.

I'm sure Matt is out right now trying to plan an overnight anywhere but here and I can't blame him. We need a break - I need a break, but that is the funny thing about parenting - there are no breaks. You just keep going, keep cleaning, keep holding and rocking.

Someone wake me when it is over.

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