Friday, April 18, 2008


Yes - she can stand. Not to steady yet, but up she goes on whatever she can find. And the old saying is true "what goes up, must come down" and mostly on face or head :) I can't get a good picture yet because I am trying to stay close and catch her. We want to avoid any broken bones or major boo boos.
Layla also has another ear infection this week. Since it is so yucky, she is on anti-biotics and ear drops for 10 days. She doesn't seemed bothered by it which is nice, but it sure is gross. She weighed in at 22lbs 12oz last night at the doctors - so she is still eating well :)
We have also decided that Layla's first meaningful word is ball. She will say ball or repeat ball when she sees one, so we think she really means it. If we are wrong - oh well. We are going with ball. We had to look it up, but Hannah's first word was woof (for dog). Funny :)

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