Friday, March 21, 2008

Snot and lots of it......

That's what has been going on at our house this week. Everyone is sick - snotty and coughing. Poor Layla is hacking her little lungs out and there is nothing we can do for her. We have given her Tylenol with Cold (gaspppppppp) but it doesn't help too much. Hannah and I were sick first I think and therefore are the first getting better. Matt and Layla could fill a pool with snot still. So we are gross. Just hoping we get better by Sunday, but if not - no biggie. It is a mellow Easter this year.
I did realize today as I filled like 2000 eggs with candy that there is no way even my Easter-loving three year-old has the attention span to hunt all these. It was at that point that I stopped filling eggs and started just eating the jelly beans myself. They were good! The fancy jelly beans, but only flavors that a kid would like. I despised and spit out anything that tasted like food (popcorn or similar - disgusting), but loved that most were fruity and delicious. I also had a couple of pastel candy corns. I was thrown off by the colors and just couldn't get into them.
Anywho - I will be posting some pictures and a video of Hannah coloring eggs tonight. She loved it and successfully made a huge mess. She rubbed off all the glitter and covered each egg with a minimum of 30 stickers, but boy is she proud of her eggs. We will add those 12 to the other 2000 plastic ones tomorrow night while we search for new and innovative places to hide them.

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