Friday, February 5, 2010

Unexpected Day

I was happily working from home today when we decided Adam needed to go to the doctor for an ear infection check. After hearing Hannah cough a few times, something didn't sound right to me. So I took her in also. Well it turns out she has pneumonia. She went downhill quickly today and was even vomiting in the doctors office. They gave her 2 shots of antibiotics because they were afraid if she couldn't keep her meds down, we would end up in the hospital tonight. She is in good spirits after some rest this afternoon and she should be even better by tomorrow. I took the rest of the day off and cuddled and played with my girls. Adam - and his vacuum. Video to come.

Layla - chillin after too short of a nap.
Adam looking sweet last night before bed.
Adam and Matt - being silly. I'm glad I mopped those floors recently.
Adam going bye bye (or so he thinks).
See here is is - loving life with his vacuum.

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