Wednesday, July 16, 2008

sorry - busy week last week

Last week was just a crazy one for us(me). I'll spare anyone who doesn't already know the details and just say it sucked.
The girls and doing well and Layla is almost walking! She is getting very brave and walks pretty well when she is focused. She actually does better when we are not watching her and clapping.

She gets too excited when we egg her on and then she falls. Sorry about the sidways video - I guess I assumed I could flip it, but can't figure out how.

She will be running before we know it - thank goodness for the recently installed baby gate that now closes in our playroom. Layla views said gated room as baby jail, but I prefer to think of it as "baby safety zone". She really can't hurt herself too bad in the playroom. There are no chemicals in there. There is nothing sharp and nothing glass. It has carpet and is generally well suited for toddlers. Poor goose does let us know she is terribly unhappy about the situation so we reserve closing her in to times we really need her to just stay put.

Hannah treated us to a concert the other day - I hope you enjoy. We sure did.

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