Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

The girls were in such great moods this morning, but could I get them to smile at the camera at the same time? Um - no way. This is as close as I got.

Mark, Beth and Abbey are coming in this weekend so we are looking forward to that. Our professional photographer can't make it this weekend so you will be getting the Melissa Shockley amatuer version of the photo shoot :) It will be cute regardless.

Here is a shot from Layla's first peas experience. It didn't go well and much puking ensued.

Just some really cute pictures from this week. The first is from our Gerber puff try. She really did like them, just was figuring out the texture thing. I thought her face was hysterical. "What did you just put in my mouth?"

And Hannah - Nothing says 'I'm Three" quite like wearing a bathing suit in the middle of winter, talking on the phone and getting ready to watch a Dora DVD.
BTW - her hand is almost all better, we are just keeping it wrapped until the weekend so she doesn't get it hurt at school. She is so excited to get the bandages off, but she wants to scratch it.

1 comment:

bdally said...

Hey Melissa,

Sorry it has taken me so long to respond--I am not as vigilant with my thing as I guess I should be--and I know that you said in your message that I could e-mail through this site, but my technological inability is preventing me from doing it correctly--so I figure I will simply try this and see if it reaches you....Your daughters are beautiful!! It is amazing to me to see them living their lives--not to sound too philosophical--but just the cycle of it all--knowing that we were all that small once and now you have your own children...where the heck did the last 10 years go? It is mind blowing to me that the last time I saw you I think we were both 18 or 19...and things were so different for each of us is so great to see you smiling in that picture with your daughter and hearing what sounds like joy behind your blog entries...last time we spoke I don't think either of us was experiencing much joy if my memory serves me correctly---I am grateful that there is hope and redemption for us all. My wife Shelly and I are here in Tacoma, WA--I am working as a counselor and going to school (which I am beginning to think I will be doing until the end of my days) and Shelly is an interior designer and owns a home decor shop with a friend here in our neighborhood. Yes, I am the anal and overly analytic one--she is the free-spirited, artistic one--yet married life has been a great blessing. I continue to learn how selfish I am on a daily basis, though I pray that it will begin to subside at some point--Being out here has been really great for us...besides the beautiful surroundings it has been nice to establish ourselves away from the comforts of home, though we are planning to move back to Chicago in the relatively near future. The more enlarging our family becomes a regular topic of conversation---the greater the pull back to the Midwest becomes...but we'll see....So how about you Melissa? I know it is difficult, if not impossible to unravel 10 years of life in an e-mail--but if you have a moment at some point I would love to hear how things have unfolded for you, about your career, your husband, your family....It is crazy that just days before I got the message from you I had been talking with my wife about high school, all the fun and not-so-fun that was encountered--I was telling her about our friendship---I am still a little blown away that it has been so long since those days...even thinking about it evokes such an ambivalent love/hate response towards my adolescence and the experiences of others I have known and have cared for....its like I don't know whether to look back and smile or to look back and get really nauseous...perhaps both are appropriate at some level....who knows? Well before I ramble on any longer I will put an end to this correspondence. It is great to talk with you, old friend. I wish you encouragement and hope today.
