Tuesday, August 3, 2010


We have been hanging out in the house a lot lately since it has been so hot. The kids are handling it ok and we are challenged to find new things for them to do. It is good for all of us to get a little more creative. Adam has discovered a love of pots and pans. He enjoys cooking us yummy air.

We have enjoyed our blow up pool quite a bit. The middle ring is deflated, but for a $9 pool it was a great investment. They don't really play in the pool as much as take the water out of it and put it other places. They do love and fight over the hose. A hose is magical when you are little. We all end up a little wet, but with this heat, no one really minds.

We let the kids draw on the basement floor today. We are going to finish this area soon so now is the time to draw. Hannah created a city with streets and locations. Layla drew "people" (large blobs) and Adam just scribbled. They had fun though and that's all that matters.

We moved drawing fun to the tub too. I saved these tub crayons for emergency use only and today seemed to be that day. I do not love the multi colored grout that I am left with, but then again who ever sees my grout? And if someone saw my grout, would they care that it is no longer white?

The girls are headed to Branson this weekend with their grandparents so we will get a weekend alone with Adam. I think he will really enjoy it and let's face it - one kid is easy. It should be a fun time for all.

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