Friday, December 26, 2008


Well it was a busy day! We got up bright and early and held Hannah off until 7am to open presents. The big hits were the trampoline and Hannah's new ballet outfits. Layla loves her new baby and her Elmo. We headed out in the afternoon and had dinner with the family. Layla told us the evening was over around 6pm. She was done and slept until after 8am this morning! (in our family this is equivalent to noon)

Christmas Eve:We let Hannah jump on the tramp before Layla got up. She was so excited to open presents! Notice it is still dark out. We also let her do her stocking. When we woke Layla up at 7 we let her jump for a bit too...Later she got to jump by herself. Here she is resting - jumping is a lot of work.

We poured Adam into his Christmas jammies.
Later he got to wear his big boy clothes. He doesn't get out of his feetie jams much and now I remember why. Putting babies in clothes is kind of a pain. Everything rides up and the baby ends up uncomfortable. He did look cute though.

Here we all are at the end of the evening looking sleepy.
It was a good day.

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