We don't know how bad it will get yet or if he will rival the horror that was Layla (I pray not, but I prayed for no reflux for 9 months and I didn't get that wish either). He weighed in at 8lbs 11oz today so his weight is perfect. He looks just perfect and is not terribly fussy, but he is refluxing quite a bit and even projectiled for the doctor today before she even touched him. We are going to start pepcid tonight and I have an appointment with the GI in 2 weeks. The reflux is what is also making him swallow so much air and be so very gassy. The gas is what is hurting him the most right now it seems and he feels better after a good long series of toots. The ped mentioned the dreaded "diet" I did with Layla and I was pertty quick to decline. I don't plan to alter my diet again. (well maybe for a couple of weeks to loose some of this weight, but then it is regular breastmilk or no breastmilk for this little guy)
If anyone out there believes in the power of prayer - throw up some for me since I nearly lost my mind with Layla and it can't be better with 3 kids. I am trying to stay positive, but my faith has been tested and honestly I am just mad.
Here is my own proof though that reflux does not permanently harm a kiddo. I know he will be fine, it is really just the getting there that will be a hard road. My goose is just awesome now and I don't often think about her infancy. When I do it is not happy memories I am afraid so I try to focus on the wonderful kid she has become.
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