Monday, October 6, 2008

Happy one week Adam ( & Pictures)

The Shockley grandkids.

Hannah is doing ok with the transition after one week, but she is acting out more than normal. We forget sometimes that she is only 3 and still needs lots of reassurance that she is still special. She will enjoy going back to school tomorrow.
Adam weighed in at 8lbs even this morning at his 1 week check. He is doing well and we are still working on the swallowing air issues. Other than that - he is doing perfectly. He is still up at night and sleeps better during the day. This makes for one tired mommy. He is pretty cute though and honestly we are just thrilled to have him. It is no secret that he was a surprise for us. I personally spent the first 5 months of the pregnancy in denial. Now I can't imagine life without him. He truly does complete our family.

Smiles for Papa.

Wide awake baby.
Hanging with my sister.
Have I mentioned Layla is a menace? She just is into everything, and so very funny, but it is a full time job watching her. This is how she took her baby for a walk today :) I have been alone with the 3 for a total of about 2 hours and I'm exhausted (and frankly scared to death).

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