I still can't believe I have a boy. I can't believe I have 3 kids ages 3, 1 and 3 weeks! That is just crazy and although I wouldn't trade them, I wouldn't recommend it :)
Adam finally has his nights. His daytime sleep is disorganized and sometimes nonexistant, but by his late evening feeding, he crashes. He sleeps for 3-4 hours and eats again, then sleeps another 3 hours. His feeding after that is usually fussy and he might sleep another 2 hours. Then we start our day. This means I get about 2 hours of sleep twice and than another hour - so I'm on 5 ish total. Did I mention this is my last baby?
Here he is in his swing (although he hates his swing, we are trying to let it grow on him.)

Layla is my goose. She is our comic relief and our menace. Don't you just want to kiss her?

Hannah is my little mommy and my sassy pants.

Some tummy time. Adam has the baby acne, but it will get better.He does pretty well on his belly. Sometimes he even lifts his head all the way, and he can go side to side.

Matt leaves tomorrow for Atlanta - so I'm on my own. Wish me luck.
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