The girls are doing great and getting ready for the arrival of baby brother any day (gasp). Hannah is doing great in her new preschool room and has impressed her teachers with her advanced knowledge. She knows all her letters by sight and sound and was only one of two kids in her class of 16 that did. She loves her friends and teachers. She will stay in school 2 days a week this year and I'm sure will do awesome. Hannah is very healthy and has been for (knock on wood) two years since she got her tubes in. We know one tube is out, so we are hoping she stays healthy this winter. She is very tall (around 42 inches) and very thin (still 32 lbs). We go see our new ped soon, but we are sure she is fine and just going to be a tall skinny girl. When Hannah is rested, she is just a joy and so sweet. She loves to cuddle and give hugs and kisses and she loves to talk and talk and talk and talk. She can really wear you out, but she is so sweet you just listen and let her go. When Hannah is tired - watch out. Anything can be a reason for crying.
Layla is also doing well. After a solid month of bad sleeping and not recovering from her reflux flare, we broke down and took her back to the pediatric GI. We raised her dose of prevacid from 20 to 30 MG and she is doing great again. She is back to her happy self and sleeping pretty good. Layla does wake up most nights and talk or yell, but if she isn't crying - we don't go in. She had a mystery fever illness that caused issues and then a mystery rash illness. After diagnosing chicken pox, the doctors now think it was a rare reaction to her MMR vaccine. She was covered in red spots that spread quickly, but never blistered. She is getting her last molar which will make a total of 12 teeth. Only 8 to go. She still weighs about 23lbs 8oz and is 31.5 inches tall. We would guess Layla has about 20-30 words now and is talking more each day. She is deffinately a hard-headed woman and lets you know if she is not happy with something. I think she had to develop this skill to compete and survive with her older sister. So both my girls are pretty strong personalities - should make for some interesting teen years.
As for me - Yes me - I'm doing ok too. We are finally ready for this baby to come and although I know it is going to be a challenge, I am ready to meet my little guy. Clothes are washed, carseat is in, diapers are bought and the pack and play is up and ready for baby. My body has not failed at making milk yet, so really what else could I need? I have purchased and received both girls halloween costumes already (go mommy!) so I feel good about that. I knew once the baby came, I would forget. Then we would be forced to buy something itchy from the gross costume shop up the street, or something in the wrong size from the left over rack at Target. Hannah will be Cinderella and has a beautiful dress if I do say so myself. Layla is going to be Minnie Mouse and her costume is so cute I know I will cry when I put it on her. I'm going to be 4 weeks or so post-partum. Seeing my husband in a t-shirt will probably make me cry so I am really in for it when the girls get dressed up.
1 comment:
Hello Melissa. How have you been ? nice blog and beautiful pictures...heard that yesterday was your last working day at AB.. Wishing you all the very best..
- Uma
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