I entitled my last post "baby gone wild" and my blog got a record 33 visits in one day. So what were people googling that got them to my page????? I care not to think about it, but do think it is funny that they got my peanut in a jumper-roo :) Probably not what they were expecting! Serves them right. Maybe seeing a giggly baby in a jumpy made them re-think whatever it was they were looking for. Here's to wholesome baby fun........
Hah! I love that you are tracking your stats now.
Btw.. I get tons of hits for "Happy 19th Birthday" because I once did a post about my dog's 19th birthday. It cracked me up that I got so many hits for a post that had nothing to do with cupcakes.
Wow. That was pretty surprising. I thought you were just trying to be cliche when you titled your blog that way.
What do you think of my photos? Aren't they great?
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