Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Back to drinking.....

So sometimes prayers are answered. Layla is back to drinking her bottles (3 or 4 oz). She gets about 16-20 oz per day total which is low for a baby, but she is not thin by any means. We dont' know why this happened or if it will happen again, but for now - we are happy. We are going to start her new med regime tomorrow and see how she does. It could take 2 weeks to see any effects from stopping the Nexium. Fingers crossed - We hope she does well.

I'll try to get a video of Layla babbling tonight. She just mamama's and dadadada's all evening long :) She also plays peek-a-boo now. We are working on "so big" and "give me five". So far both are big hits!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

The title of this one sounds like she's boozing. hehe