Monday, March 14, 2011

March 2011

We have been the opposite of busy in March. We have been hanging around in the house, playing all kinds of silly things. Someone has been sick pretty consistently this month, so we have been keeping our germs to ourselves mostly. Here is Adam having a particularly lazy game of trucks.

Layla - having a really fab dress up day.

We did have a visit from Uncle Mark and Abbey. We did a lot of playing and even went to Chuck-E-Cheese, on a Sunday, at lunch time. It was gross, but the kids a great time. I didn't have a lot of pictures from the weekend, but it was really cute.

Adam watching TV in everyone's favorite spot.

Drawing on the driveway.

Shoveling dirt and relocating it to other parts of the yard?

And yes, our Barbie Jeep gets prime garage space.

Layla and Adam found a new hiding spot. My kids are going to be awesome at hide-and-go-seek.

Hannah reading a book to her little siblings. She was so proud of herself.

I had parent teacher conferences today and Hannah is doing great. She is right where she should be. Mostly her teacher just wanted to say what a good friend Hannah is and how sweet she is to the other kids. We know she is a really wonderful kid, but it is still nice to hear.

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