Hannah started sucking her thumb when she was two months old. It was the cutest and sweetest little thing we ever did see. She put herself to sleep with her thumb every night and every nap. As she got older she would suck her thumb when she was tired, upset or always when watching tv. When Hannah was about three, we made a deal with her that when she stopped sucking her thumb, she could get her ears pierced. She was not ready. Every time we have talked about it she has always been honest and just said "I'm just not ready yet."

Well today was the day! We made it. Our big girl stopped sucking her thumb when her bottom teeth got loose and she has been thumb free for over a month. After some haircuts this morning, the whole family (including Grandma) went with Hannah to get her ears pierced. She was so brave and LOVES her new pierced ears. She does look adorable and so much older! We are so proud of her.
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