We had a great weekend here at the Shockley's. We had some sprinkler sessions, lots of outside play, and even more swimming. The kids are officially wore out, but they had a great time.
Layla - lookin cool in her glasses. She waved that flag all weekend long.

Adam - such a big boy swimming. He is more work than you can imagine at the pool. He wants to climb, run and jump in. He doesn't care if there are grown ups present to catch him or not. He's jumpin - get ready. He also loves to walk up and down the steps. It's a full time job so we trade off every few minutes to stay fresh.

Saturday night we did our own sparklers and snaps. It was a good time for the girls. They were tired, but so excited to be outside in their jammies. It's the little things that are fun for them.

Dad did some fireworks for them in the street. Yes it is still light outside. They didn't care.

Sunday was our annual neighborhood kid parade. It is the cutest.
Hannah and some buds.

Hannah riding her big girl bike.

Fancy decorations and all.

The littles - riding in style.

Wagon pulling daddy.

Mmmmmmmmm... Popsicles.

See - you can imagine; Red, White and Blue cuteness.

After the parade, we went to Hannah's friends house for a BBQ lunch. It was a good time and Adam and Layla enjoyed playing with someone else's toys. We wrangled them out of there for naps before heading to Grandma's.
Adam loved the goggles.

Layla - taking a pool break with her Unicorn.

Catch me if you can! Adam loves to run around in Grandma's yard. They have so much space and it's new and different.

Looking adorable.

More sparklers - in the dark for real this time.

Grandma keeping Layla safe from the fireworks. This was Layla's first year staying up for the big event. She seemed to enjoy them, but was still a little scared of the boom.

Hannah and her Sophie.

Hannah and Jeanna.

The girls were out until 10:30 and still got up before 7am. They just cannot sleep in. Adam and I were home by 8 because he was beside himself tired. He cried for his bed the whole way home. I enjoyed the 4th with a glass of wine and a book ;) Maybe next year is my year for fireworks.
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