We started our sunny weekend off by loading the kids in the car bright and early.

We went to the zoo! It was a beautiful morning. We got there at 8:15 (zoo officially opened at 9) and they let us and 100 other people right in. We saw Elephants.

We saw all the bears for a change. They are usually sleeping, but not this weekend. Lots of bear activity was observed.

We took pictures.

We watched flamingos while we waited for the carousel to open.

Then we rode twice for good measure.

We choo-chooed around the zoo for bit and went to the childrens' zoo. It got a little harry in there so no pictures were taken, but luckily we found all of our children and got the heck out of there.

Then we walked around for a while.

Even though the line was long, we went to the sting ray exhibit. It was well worth it. We petted lots and lots of sting rays. Hannah (who is my animal lover) just ate it up and cried when we had to leave. We were home in time for lunch and naps which was perfect.

In the afternoon, we brought out the sprinkler and bubble machine to the front yard.

Adam was surprised that the water was cold. But he got used to it.

The girls played and played. They love the sprinkler, especially with dad.

Layla was SO EXCITED! If you were anywhere in our neighborhood, you would have heard her yell it over and over.

Hannah loved her time to play with daddy.

Adam just loved being out and having the freedom to run and splash in puddles.

Layla was so fun. She is such a happy girl.
Happy guy.

Unlimited bubbles go a long way with kids.

Then today we all packed up again and headed to Grandma and Papa's for some swimming.
Adam was hesitant and just wanted to be held, but enjoyed it more after his nap.

Hannah swam for 4 hours. She is a fishy and jumped in over and over again. She just loves the water.

She is a little sunburnt even though we applied sunscrean 4 times.

Adam took a snack break with his Grandma.

Then Layla took a break with her Grandma when she got up from her nap.

Layla did a great job swimming today. She was much more comfortable and enjoyed floating around in her armies and ring.
We wrapped up our weekend with some ice cream and happy playtime.
I think Adam enjoyed his chocolate ice cream. He was mad when it was gone.

It was a really good weekend! Next weekend we have a trip, visitors, a birthday and a holiday. It's going to be awesome.
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