Sunday, April 4, 2010

Our Easter (in about 47,000 pictures. Hope you have time to hang.)

Saturday afternoon we colored the eggs. It was a semi-disaster as Layla is not capable of not touching the dye or the newly dyed eggs. We made it and our whopping 12 eggs were colored. That night we painted our colored eggs with sparkly egg paint. This brilliant idea was mine and sounded like fun, but it oh so was not really. The packaging said it should not stain skin and clothes to which I kindly reply "B.S. - like hell it doesn't".

So we were all stained and our eggs were beautiful. Layla's arms are still some shade of magenta today BTW.
Morning came and it was hunting time! Hannah loves a good hunt. Too bad we hid the same 30 eggs in the same place as last year. Her hunt was rather so-so.

Adam could smell the candy so he crapped out after one egg which he tried to eat for the next 5 minutes. Everyone found their baskets and were all happy with their candy breakfast.

After they came off their sugar high, we were all a bit cranky so we had some bubble time.
Everyone loves bubble time.
And then we started our daily wardrobe changes.

After naps, we headed to Grandma's for the big egg hunt. This was the best shot I could get of my three. Not awesome.
The girls will pose for me though.
Adam played a hearty game of open door/close door.

Layla posed by the big bunny who she is finally taller than.
Adam kept a safe distance. That bunny is kind of creepy.

Layla did ok during the hunt. She was helped along by Grandma, but really she just wanted a couple of eggs full of candy to enjoy.
Hannah and Sophia had a great time and scored about 60 eggs each. They always have a great time and this might have been the only time I saw Hannah while we were there.
Layla must have spotted a really cool egg :)
Adam didn't want anything to do with the egg hunt. He wanted to walk up and down this hill. So be it little man - you are in charge.

Here is Hannah with her very heavy sack of sugar and cavities.
And one more of the little man enjoying his freedom. And the single picture of a very tired mama before I took my crew home for dinner and tubs. Everyone was in a great mood after some food that wasn't chocolate covered or pure sugar. At 8:00pm they are all sound asleep and dreaming of a candy-filled tomorrow.

I am having a glass of wine. Hope your Easter was awesome.

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