Bye Bye formula.
Adam will still get a bottle of regular milk in the evening for as long as he wants. He won't drink cold milk in a cup so we are fine with the bottle. It is one of my favorite parts of my day when he just relaxes and lays with us. He is so calm and sweet, I am secretly hoping he enjoys this one bottle of milk for a while longer.
I let Adam put on a nightgown the other evening (he insisted) and I could not resist taking a picture. He just wants to be involved with the girls and since they both changed into their jams at 5:30 - he wanted to also. Adam LOVES his sisters.
I could not help but post this picture again. How sweet is this evil baby face?
No - we still haven't cut his hair. We love it too much and know he will look like a big boy when we do, so for now it's long curls.
Adam is a daredevil. He loves to be thrown and flown and swung around. He is a very happy to play rough. We have a lot of fun with him and usually he tires us out. It exhausting trying to keep him safe all day and he usually ends up with a new bump/fat lip/bruise about every day. He's all boy (except when wearing his princess nightgown).
Adam is talking a ton these days. He probably has about 75-100 words and says new ones all the time. He puts 2 words together sometimes so he is getting ready to just explode with language. For the most part he can get his point across and he has pointing and yelling to fall back on. He weighs about 26 lbs and is 33 inches tall. We have his 18 month visit in about 6 weeks so we will get new stats then.
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