Our nightly baths are usually a no nonsense event. We wash, wash, wash, rinse, rinse rinse, and then it is out>dry>dressed>done. With three kids who tend to get a little splashy in the tub and have recently started getting on each others nerves, we don't linger in the tub for too long.
Well today it was rainy and cold and we had nothing to do. Our kids made it clear that they were bored and our lack of planning anything fun was not acceptable.
Enter - Bubble Machine. Meant to be an outside toy, this little gem has been tucked away in my closet. They had a great time. They ended up covered in soapy slime, but we were in the tub and there was plenty of water to rinse them down with after it was over.

BTW - it was 10am. This was a fun mid-morning event.

If you have small children and do not have a bubble machine - get one. It's a blast and will save your lungs and jaw muscles from all the manual bubble blowing. We had a minimum of 20 minutes of happy bubbly tub time.