Monday, January 11, 2010

Orange Juice ruins computers.

Just incase you were wondering.

Some highlights I will catch up on when my computer comes back (dare I say this week?)

Cute baby.
Busy Busy family.
Cute tub time.

In other great news: Layla is 95% potty trained. She wears big girl pants all the time and does awesome. We are just lacking one potty trick (poop) which she will get eventually. She is even staying dry all night and during naps! Go big girl!

Adam has discovered it is hysterical to stand up and pee in the tub. He belly laughs out loud at himself which stops the pee and then he starts again and laughs some more. This is a very fun game when you are 15 months and just discovered it. It was very hard not to laugh with him.

Hopefully we get all caught up here this week with pictures and a video or two!

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