The girls are really having fun this summer. It has been HOT HOT HOT, but they don't mind too much. They got to go swimming 3 times this week at Grandma's!
Here is Layla giving me kisses in the car. Sweet baby.

Hannah has her first boyfriend. His name is Chase - he is 5. They don't talk or play, but they smile at eachother :) That makes him her boyfriend..............That's my girl - boy crazy at 4: just like mama.

Layla also has a little friend. His name is Drew and I tell you what, he is a cutie. They have been buds since the baby room - too cute.

A rare appearance from me on my blog................

Adam goes for his 9 month check up tomorrow and we can tell he is just days away from taking off crawling. He really is just missing one motion and he will be gone. I don't think he is going to stop there either. He watches his sisters run around and can't wait to join in. He'll be up and walking before we know it. We are sucking up the last babyness in our house....taking turns giving him bottles and putting him to bed because he is so sweet. We love feeding him his baby mush and playing peek-a-boo. Adam plays so big now, but unlike the girls, it gets old after one or two "so bigs". He needs a rougher game than that. He likes to be thrown up, hung upside-down, spun, tickled.......Boys are fun.
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