Hannah started t-ball this weekend. It was very cute and she seemed to really enjoy it! It helped that her two best friends in the whole world are on her team.

Caitlin, Hannah and Sofia.
Hannah's first hit (it was a good one) and daddy telling her where to run. This is all new to her.

Hannah has a very busy summer of parties and field trips. Throw in some swimming and a few holidays - she should have an awesome time.
Adam is doing good and getting ready to crawl. He has perfected his backwards crawl, so we know he is getting close. This is going to change our world a bit since it is nice to set him down and know he can't go anywhere. We do loose him occasionally though when Hannah decides to take him somewhere. She loves that baby. Adam sleeps all night now from about 7pm until 6am or so (sometimes as late as 8, but never for mommy on a weekend). He gets 4 bottles a day and 3 "meals". We hope he gets some more teeth soon so he can start eating some table food. He does a lot of choking when we try it now. He is a very even tempered baby - not crabby and demanding, but not super smiley either. We did get a video of him belly laughing at Hannah. It is hysterical!

Layla is also doing well. She is quite a little ham these days. She is very smart and talks a lot for 2 years old. She is very bright and outgoing. When she wants something, she is LOUD! Layla doesn't love the pool like Hannah does so we hope she warms up to it this summer.

Here is Adam laughing at Hannah. It is just too funny. He was practically crying.