For his six month birthday, we gave Adam his first baby biscuit. He loved it although he did spit most of it up.

We also retired - for the last time - our fishy swing. This was a sad sad day when Hannah and Layla were little since they both loved this swing. For Adam, it wasn't near as sad since he rarely used it. It did provide some precious baby free moments though and it will be missed by many. We hope another baby gets to enjoy it someday - just not in my house!

Adam is still working on his sitting skills. He does well for a few minutes, but falls sideways easily. Here are some shots of our second "family" tub.

We go for Adam's 6 month appointment on Friday so we will have the official weigh in then, but we think maybe around 22 lbs. His last cold still hasn't resolved, but he is getting happier and is generally a good natured baby. He cracks up easily at his sisters and he is very tickleish.
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