Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A new woman (Edited)

That's how I feel after 9 uninterupted hours of sleep. With the girls at Grandma's and the help of one tiny miracle pill called Ambien - I slept the sleep of my youth. No one woke me up to potty, no one cried out or coughed, no one started yelling from a crib at 5:30am, and the blessed Ambien made me blissfully unaware of the night storms. I didn't even set an alarm - just woke up naturally at around 6:45, showered and dressed and was on my way to work by 7.

I'm sure I will pay for this luxury tonight. (Yep - I did. Layla was up for 2 hours with teething pain as she is getting her molars)


BParson said...

The girls are so cute :)

BParson said...

I finally figured out how to change my profile name so that it doesn't say Abbey-I guess I should have asked the tech person!

Glad you got some sleep-you'll need to start stocking up!