I didn't get Layla's first trip to the beach, but here is her post-beach hair!Layla and Abbey sharing breakfast :)
Layla looking sweet at the beach on day two.
Hannah was a fishy. She could swim for hours! The Gulf of Mexico was very warm and clean the first few days we were there and the girls loved it.
Beach Babies. They never did look at the camera at the same time.
Poor Abbey. She was a good sport while she was being used as a piece of furniture to get up on. Layla is a bit rougher since she has Hannah to play with.
The giant sand castle we found on the beach.
Hannah and Daddy out to dinner.
Layla looking sweet when we were out to dinner. She flirted with the bus boy the whole time. She flashed all 6 of her teeth at him (yes - 6 whole teefers!).
Hannah at Busch Gardens. If you have kids - for goodness sakes - go in and go LEFT - directly to the land of the dragons. It is awesome and we did it wrong. We walked the whole park before getting here and the babies were having major meltdowns. We only were able to stay here 20 minutes and getting Hannah to leave involved a fit that will scar me for life. Poor girl - it was way too cool to leave so soon.
The babies found the snack bag. You would have thought they found diamonds!
Babies on a boat. They did awesome. They can't walk yet, but they already have their sea legs.
My neice Abbey - she is just a beautiful baby. We bonded - it was awesome. Too bad she won't remember me in a couple of months.
Hannah driving her first boat. It was a big week for her!
The girls with Daddy in the pool. This was our last swim.
The flight home. It involved some benedryl for the baby (bliss!) and Hannah was running a fever. We were all ready for our own beds.
We learned a lot from our trip. Pack less clothes - you don't need them. Pack more toys - you will be sorry if you don't have enough. Bring more meds (motrin, tylenol, mylanta, etc) you will have to run to wallgreens less this way. Prepare mentally for some melt downs, it is going to happen and it is easier to take if you are prepared. Sleeping on vacation sucks and you will be tired - drink more coffee. Take lots of pictures - you will want to remember every minute because it is a special even for YOUR family.
Our next vacation will be just a couple days to table rock in August. The Grandparents will be there - we are so excited.
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