I seem to forget to update on what Layla is doing. I will regret this when I look back and don't have the week by week of her first year......Layla is doing well. She babbles up a storm when she is in the mood. Her favorite babble is dadadadadadada - she loves to yell this at 5:30 am when she gets up. Nice for me because I can tell Matt the baby is calling him :)
Layla has perfected her backwards crawl. She can turn and keep going backwards - very interesting. She also can inch on her butt in a circle and ends up quite a ways from her starting point. So I count all of this as mobility! She can't get anywhere very fast yet, but she gets somewhere. Way to be big girl. You can tell that she wants to go places and will be off and going soon. I think she is going to be a climber - that's my guess.
Layla plays peek-a-boo (has for quite some time) and now can do So Big!. She tries to wave, but is not quite there and gives fives when she is in the mood. She has a pretty good pincher grash and points at things now which is cute (mostly people eyes, but it counts).
Hannah is taking swimming classes. She is learning to recognize her letters and numbers. Her pre-school screening is next month, and we are sure she will do great. She is a very bright little girl. Her full three year-old personality is here and it comes with a lot of sas! She in very into pretend play and is very sweet sometimes, but other times - she is not so sweet. We are trying to stick with time outs for discipline, but we have times where that is ineffective. Time will tell if I can stick with my strict - no spanking rule. Parenting a three year-old is hard! This is Will - our little neighbor who came to play last weekend. This made me more greatful I have girls :) He is sweet, but boys sure are wild. This was our one calm moment - it lasted about 3 minutes.
Here is a video of the girls playing - they just crack up and it is so cute.
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