Thursday, March 27, 2008
Cough - oh the cough
It never ends for my girls. When they get a cough - it lasts weeks. I am very very tired of the cough. Nothing helps either - no medicine, no vaporizer, no elevation - nothing. It is like a freight train that breaks through anything in its path. It is worse in the middle of the night (but maybe that is me because I'm tired and it wakes me up.) Layla is the worst right now. It just breaks my heart. Not to mention she is very spitty again this week (maybe because of the cold, maybe teeth, maybe the veggies again - who knows). I am so sick and tired of the spit I just can't even express. She spits 20-30 times a day this week and my carpet looks like a spotted rug. Gross. And now that she is crawling all over - the spit travels. She crawls through it and it gets everywhere. The crawling is still cute though. I left her in the playroom safe and sound and went to go start the tub. I was gone 2 minutes maybe and there she was - at the bathroom door. She found me! Sweet baby. For those that know my house - the playroom is pretty far from the bathroom. Anyway - just an update on the girls - coughing.....spitting....but happy.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The girls had so much fun. Hannah got her swimming baby (video attached) and Layla got a fun playhouse that she loves.
Layla is crawling very well now and is all over the place. She follows you out of the room and down the hall - it is so sweet. I have not figured out how I am going to take a shower in the morning now that she is mobile....I never had this problem with Hannah so it should be interesting.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
A tooth (or a toofer)
Layla woke up this morning with her first tooth. It is just the sweetest little tooth you ever did see. It is the bottom righ and the bottom left is on it's way too. Yay Layla! What a big week. Crawling and a toofer! My big girl.
Here is Layla yesterday loving on her babies. It's a good thing she loves babies :) Hopefully she gets a little more gentle before the new baby comes.
Here is Layla yesterday loving on her babies. It's a good thing she loves babies :) Hopefully she gets a little more gentle before the new baby comes.
Easter Egg Fun
Baby on the move.... but only for stuff that isn't hers.......Hmmmm
Happy girl. Won't eat a puff or drink from a cup yet, but happy!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Snot and lots of it......
That's what has been going on at our house this week. Everyone is sick - snotty and coughing. Poor Layla is hacking her little lungs out and there is nothing we can do for her. We have given her Tylenol with Cold (gaspppppppp) but it doesn't help too much. Hannah and I were sick first I think and therefore are the first getting better. Matt and Layla could fill a pool with snot still. So we are gross. Just hoping we get better by Sunday, but if not - no biggie. It is a mellow Easter this year.
I did realize today as I filled like 2000 eggs with candy that there is no way even my Easter-loving three year-old has the attention span to hunt all these. It was at that point that I stopped filling eggs and started just eating the jelly beans myself. They were good! The fancy jelly beans, but only flavors that a kid would like. I despised and spit out anything that tasted like food (popcorn or similar - disgusting), but loved that most were fruity and delicious. I also had a couple of pastel candy corns. I was thrown off by the colors and just couldn't get into them.
Anywho - I will be posting some pictures and a video of Hannah coloring eggs tonight. She loved it and successfully made a huge mess. She rubbed off all the glitter and covered each egg with a minimum of 30 stickers, but boy is she proud of her eggs. We will add those 12 to the other 2000 plastic ones tomorrow night while we search for new and innovative places to hide them.
I did realize today as I filled like 2000 eggs with candy that there is no way even my Easter-loving three year-old has the attention span to hunt all these. It was at that point that I stopped filling eggs and started just eating the jelly beans myself. They were good! The fancy jelly beans, but only flavors that a kid would like. I despised and spit out anything that tasted like food (popcorn or similar - disgusting), but loved that most were fruity and delicious. I also had a couple of pastel candy corns. I was thrown off by the colors and just couldn't get into them.
Anywho - I will be posting some pictures and a video of Hannah coloring eggs tonight. She loved it and successfully made a huge mess. She rubbed off all the glitter and covered each egg with a minimum of 30 stickers, but boy is she proud of her eggs. We will add those 12 to the other 2000 plastic ones tomorrow night while we search for new and innovative places to hide them.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Layla can crawl. She figured it out yesterday at her Grandma's. So after a month of backwards movement, she has finally learned crawling forwards. She did it for me last night a couple of times and is only getting better! Here is her first crawl at home. I was so happy and Layla was so unimpressed. She has no idea what we were all so excited about.
So it took 9 months and 17 days, but we have a fully mobile baby. Yay Layla!
So it took 9 months and 17 days, but we have a fully mobile baby. Yay Layla!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Pictures and updates.........
I seem to forget to update on what Layla is doing. I will regret this when I look back and don't have the week by week of her first year......Layla is doing well. She babbles up a storm when she is in the mood. Her favorite babble is dadadadadadada - she loves to yell this at 5:30 am when she gets up. Nice for me because I can tell Matt the baby is calling him :)
Layla has perfected her backwards crawl. She can turn and keep going backwards - very interesting. She also can inch on her butt in a circle and ends up quite a ways from her starting point. So I count all of this as mobility! She can't get anywhere very fast yet, but she gets somewhere. Way to be big girl. You can tell that she wants to go places and will be off and going soon. I think she is going to be a climber - that's my guess.
Layla plays peek-a-boo (has for quite some time) and now can do So Big!. She tries to wave, but is not quite there and gives fives when she is in the mood. She has a pretty good pincher grash and points at things now which is cute (mostly people eyes, but it counts).
Hannah is taking swimming classes. She is learning to recognize her letters and numbers. Her pre-school screening is next month, and we are sure she will do great. She is a very bright little girl. Her full three year-old personality is here and it comes with a lot of sas! She in very into pretend play and is very sweet sometimes, but other times - she is not so sweet. We are trying to stick with time outs for discipline, but we have times where that is ineffective. Time will tell if I can stick with my strict - no spanking rule. Parenting a three year-old is hard! This is Will - our little neighbor who came to play last weekend. This made me more greatful I have girls :) He is sweet, but boys sure are wild. This was our one calm moment - it lasted about 3 minutes.
Here is a video of the girls playing - they just crack up and it is so cute.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
No such luck
Layla threw up again last night and then had a rough sleep. Hannah woke up not feeling well and is still pretty lethargic so I'm just bracing for the worst.
The snow has started so we are officially stuck in the house. Oh boy!
The snow has started so we are officially stuck in the house. Oh boy!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Stomach bug, but not wasting away.......
Layla has a stomach bug. Layla is the last person on earth that needs a stomach bug, but she still has one. She vomited badly twice today so far and is just not herself since Saturday. Poor baby.....poor everyone really - when the baby is sick - we all suffer.
Her 9 month visit was today though and she weiged in at 21 lbs 3 oz and is 29 inches tall. She is in the 75-90% for both - so she is still growing in spite of her belly issues. No shots - yay!
I am searching for a new ped between now and May. Our doctor is nice, but just getting too busy and frankly is too far away. We waited an hour today to see him and when I called to make the appointment 3 weeks ago - they tried to tell me his frist available was in April. Then when I saw him today, he seemed very confused by Layla's history. HELLO - we have only been there like every month of her life so far - remember us please, because having to repeat myself is one of my pet peeves.
Seriously - Being frustrated by my peds office is the last thing I need - so it is on to a new doc for us. Now where oh where to I find a doc willing to take on my little monkeys?
We are in for 6-8 inches of snow here so looks like I will get an unplanned day with my girls again. Please wish us no more puke! That would be bad.........
Her 9 month visit was today though and she weiged in at 21 lbs 3 oz and is 29 inches tall. She is in the 75-90% for both - so she is still growing in spite of her belly issues. No shots - yay!
I am searching for a new ped between now and May. Our doctor is nice, but just getting too busy and frankly is too far away. We waited an hour today to see him and when I called to make the appointment 3 weeks ago - they tried to tell me his frist available was in April. Then when I saw him today, he seemed very confused by Layla's history. HELLO - we have only been there like every month of her life so far - remember us please, because having to repeat myself is one of my pet peeves.
Seriously - Being frustrated by my peds office is the last thing I need - so it is on to a new doc for us. Now where oh where to I find a doc willing to take on my little monkeys?
We are in for 6-8 inches of snow here so looks like I will get an unplanned day with my girls again. Please wish us no more puke! That would be bad.........
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