Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
A day with my girls
I had a surprise day with the girls as we were iced in the house on Thursday. We had a great day! The girls played together so well, there was minimal fussing and (knock on wood) minimal spitting. Just a happy giggly day. By 8:15 when I put Hannah to bed, I was exhausted and the house was a mess.
My hat is off to the women who do it every day with a lot more children than I have. God bless them! I suppose if I was home every day, I wouldn't have the mommy guilt that forces me to play with them every waking second and forgo the housework and showering.......but still -it is a lot of work. I'll post the videos later that I took of Hannah making the baby laugh. So cute.
My hat is off to the women who do it every day with a lot more children than I have. God bless them! I suppose if I was home every day, I wouldn't have the mommy guilt that forces me to play with them every waking second and forgo the housework and showering.......but still -it is a lot of work. I'll post the videos later that I took of Hannah making the baby laugh. So cute.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Fun Weekend
Our visit with Mark, Beth and Abbey was fun. The girls were pretty funny with one another - grabbing toys and such. Abbey is moving pretty well now and Layla is not so that was funny just to watch. Hannah loved loved loved Abbey and smothered her with hugs and kisses. She also is quite fond of Aunt Beth. Aunt Shelly and Tony also came to visit on Saturday, but I didn't have the photoshoot I planned. Abbey went down for a nap early.....Layla went down late......Hannah got real tired and then went to a birthday party........It was very busy. 

Here are some pictures from the weekend.

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day!
The girls were in such great moods this morning, but could I get them to smile at the camera at the same time? Um - no way. This is as close as I got.
Mark, Beth and Abbey are coming in this weekend so we are looking forward to that. Our professional photographer can't make it this weekend so you will be getting the Melissa Shockley amatuer version of the photo shoot :) It will be cute regardless.
Here is a shot from Layla's first peas experience. It didn't go well and much puking ensued.
Just some really cute pictures from this week. The first is from our Gerber puff try. She really did like them, just was figuring out the texture thing. I thought her face was hysterical. "What did you just put in my mouth?"
And Hannah - Nothing says 'I'm Three" quite like wearing a bathing suit in the middle of winter, talking on the phone and getting ready to watch a Dora DVD.
BTW - her hand is almost all better, we are just keeping it wrapped until the weekend so she doesn't get it hurt at school. She is so excited to get the bandages off, but she wants to scratch it.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Funny observation by me.........or maybe not funny
I entitled my last post "baby gone wild" and my blog got a record 33 visits in one day. So what were people googling that got them to my page????? I care not to think about it, but do think it is funny that they got my peanut in a jumper-roo :) Probably not what they were expecting! Serves them right. Maybe seeing a giggly baby in a jumpy made them re-think whatever it was they were looking for. Here's to wholesome baby fun........
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Baby gone wild
This is about as crazy as it gets for an 8 month-old who can't crawl.
:) She loves it!
:) She loves it!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Back to drinking.....
So sometimes prayers are answered. Layla is back to drinking her bottles (3 or 4 oz). She gets about 16-20 oz per day total which is low for a baby, but she is not thin by any means. We dont' know why this happened or if it will happen again, but for now - we are happy. We are going to start her new med regime tomorrow and see how she does. It could take 2 weeks to see any effects from stopping the Nexium. Fingers crossed - We hope she does well.
I'll try to get a video of Layla babbling tonight. She just mamama's and dadadada's all evening long :) She also plays peek-a-boo now. We are working on "so big" and "give me five". So far both are big hits!
I'll try to get a video of Layla babbling tonight. She just mamama's and dadadada's all evening long :) She also plays peek-a-boo now. We are working on "so big" and "give me five". So far both are big hits!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Update and cute pictures
The new GI today didn't have anything terribly great to offer. He also disregarded my concerns because Layla "Looks healthy". So basically I have figured that unless your child looks sickly and is thin, doctors don't really give a crap. We are taking her off the Nexium and putting her back on prevacid (a lesser drug) . If this doesn't really have any effect, we might take her off everything and see how she does. It seems silly to keep giving her medecine if she still feels bad.
In other news, my poor Hannah burned her little hand this weekend on a hot griddle. She has 2nd degree burns on her palm. It was very sad. We took her to the urgent care and got her some good medecine for it, but it will still take some time to heal. It is all bandaged up for now and Hannah is doing ok with that. Thankfully it is her right hand so she can still do things (she is a lefty).
We had 9 inches of snow here on Friday which was fun for all. Hannah made a snowman and named him Steve. It was very sweet. Poor Steve is nothing but water now as it was 75 here today, but he will be back before the winters over :) St. Louis is just weird.
Hannah also got a new ballet outfit which she wears whenever she can. I have to admit, it is about the cutest thing ever. I can't wait for dance class to start this summer. My little ballerina is ready!
And here are the girls getting ready for bed (notice Hannah's boo boo hand). 
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Drinking a little
Just so no one thinks she is wasting away to nothing: Layla is drinking about 12 oz a day. We are not making the 16oz goal, but we are trying not to worry. She seems to be doing ok.
I have some ideas on things I would like to try so I am excited to see the new doc on Monday.
I have some ideas on things I would like to try so I am excited to see the new doc on Monday.
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