Layla still has periods where she is obviously uncomfortable during the day and she still spits up quite a bit, but she is still improving and the worst is behind us. Within a month or two she should be much much better. We look forward to the day that she is comfortable all day and doesn't wake up crying in pain ever.
Layla got lots of good time with her dad this weekend. She is getting 3 bottles a day (to mimic what she will get when I am back at work) and she is doing great. She has been taking bottles from her dad and grandma this weekend so she should be over the "must eat from mom" thing. She nurses in the morning and evening still just fine. It was a lot of work getting to this point, but it was worth it since I can still provide her breastmilk for a bit longer. 
We have had 3 nights in a row where Layla has slept until 5am! It's wonderful even if I don't get to go back to sleep after that. As long as I get to bed by 10 - I can get almost 7 hours of sleep! Better yet - in a row! We are hoping it lasts. We moved her to her crib after the first night she did it and that seems to have gone well also. She doesn't go back down after she eats because she is usually pretty uncomfortable in the early morning for some reason. I will know she is really better when this feeding is not so rough for her. 
I had to get this shot of the three of them reading books. It didn't last long, but it was cute. These three people are my whole life.
This is Hannah's last week of summer day camp and she will be moving to a full blown pre-school room next week. She is such a big girl now. We did not tackle potty training this summer as I had planned, but she will do it when she is ready. She is ahead of many kids her age in counting and letters. Her teachers are very impressed with her.
We are looking forward to a fun weekend with Uncle Mark, Aunt Beth and Abbey! The girls are so excited to meet their cousin. Take care. 
1 comment:
Any uncle Mark & Aunt Beth & Abbey picks yet?
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