Well another week has past us by here at the Shockley's. This week brought another trip to the GI and another new medicine for Layla. Apparently she is in the minority of babies that didn't respond to the prevacid. She seems to be doing a little better (I'd give it 30% at this point) and she has her good and bad feedings. She just took an hour nap in her swing so I'm lovin life today. We are heading back on Monday for another consult to see if we need to do anything else or if she will continue to improve on this medicine.
Layla and Hannah got to meet their newest cousin this week. Noah was born on the 5th and was the calmest baby at the meeting despite my girls being loud. I'm sure he will find his voice soon and join in the screaming :)
Layla has had a lot of visitors this week (yay). This is nice for her and mom. She gets a change of arms and mom gets to eat. Kathy from work, Grandma, Papa, Aunt Mary, and cousins Candace and Carly all came to visit this week. Layla is a popular girl. I believe only Kathy got away without being spit up on -I'm sure Layla will make up for that the next time we see her.
On Monday she weighed in at 10lbs 4 oz so I imagine we are about 10lbs 8 oz at this point.
Hannah has learned to negotiate this week - at least the two year old version. Her new thing is "how about". When I ask her to clean up her toys, her new response is "Mommy - How about you clean up the toys". It is very cute. She has also enjoyed all the attention from the visitors this week.
Overall we are doing well despite the lingering issues with Layla. We are not so patiently waiting for her to feel better and start sleeping better, but she is a sweet baby and we know this will all be over soon.
Take care.
1 comment:
The pictures are too cute! We will have to come over and see the girls soon! We still have presents for the girls (however Kole couldn't take it anymore and opened Hannah's gift to play with himself!
I can definitely volunteer to by a baby holder for a while - baby spit up doesn't scare me (anymore!)
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