Layla Therese Shockley was born on May 31st at 1:55pm. She was 1 week early and just perfect in every way. Layla weighed 6lbs 13 oz and is 18 inches long - just a peanut. That would explain why she was so easy to get out. Her Apgars were 9 and 9 and she was just alert and ready to nurse right away (which she has done like a champion ever since).
Hannah came up that evening to meet her sister and it was so sweet. She didn't care to see Matt or I, but came in and immediately declared "I hold my baby!". She then tried to pry her out of Matt's arms. Layla was smothered in hugs and kisses from her big sister. It was just so sweet.
We came home Saturday and it has been a whirlwind so far. Layla had some breathing issues when my milk came in as she was breathing in too much milk. We are working thorugh that slowly but surely by pumping before I feed her to make sure there is not too much milk. We had a couple of rough nights (as those first nights always are) but we were prepared for this and so far are handling this well. Last night (Tuesday night) I actually got 2.5 hours of sleep in a row! It was wonderful and I have felt better today.
Hannah is still loving her sister, but sometimes too much. We have to be careful not to leave her in the room with the baby because she likes to touch and try to hold her. Hannah is also very attached to her daddy right now. She is pretty mad at mommy for needing to spend so much time with Layla, but I know she will be ok. It is hard for her since she has had everyone's attention for so long, but in the end she will be so happy to have a sister.
Anyway - Welcome to the Shockley Girls' Blog! I certainly won't be here daily, but when I can I will be updating as much as possible. I hope to get better at this as time goes on. It is 2007 - my weekly e-mails were outdated!
Take care.
1 comment:
Your girls are so DARLING. You should be so proud of them. I'd love to meet you for lunch some day and see them. If you ever need a babysitter, you know who to call.
Nancy Jasper
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