One month already. I hate to admit, but I'm glad this month is over. I am looking forward to a hopefully much more peaceful 2nd month (God willing). Layla is actually sleeping right now and is not being held. I got to eat breakfast and get dressed and it is not even 8am! I didn't shower until late afternoon yesterday so that still counts and being clean too.
Layla is on two meds that have to be timed before meals. Prevacid 2x daily to stop the production of stomach acid and Carafate 4x daily to bond to the damaged areas and hopefully give her some relief from burning. Prevacid needs to be given 1/2 hour before she eats if we can and Carafate is 15 minutes before meals. Then the 2 meds have to be spaced at least 2 hours apart from eachother.
Night time sleep is still hard to come by. There is no real consistency, but here is how last night went:
Layla nursed at 9pm and was done spitting and sleeping by 9:45.
12:00 - Loud grunting wakes me so I get up and pump
12:10 - I return to see Layla is quiet and sleeping so I lay back down
12:15 - Loud gruning returns so I jump up, but Layla is still sleeping so I lay back down
12:21 - Lound squealing and grunting continues so I jump up, but Layla is still sleeping so I lay back down (Now at this point some are wondering, why do you get up? Why not wait until she is really up? Well with a reflux baby if you let the baby start crying it just makes things very bad. The feeding and post feeding period is always worse if you let them get upset and gulp a bunch of air. So you live on edge - not wanting to wake them before they are ready, but being ready as soon as they are. Not to mention trying to time medicine and make sure there is time for a diaper change.)
Anyway - this continues until around12:55 when she is really up and ready to eat.
12:55 - We nurse........there is no spitting...she is asleep upright on my chest so I sit for 1 hour to keep that food down before putting her down.
3:30 - Loud grunting wakes me, but I can't get my tush out of bed....I can barely open my eyes so I snooze for a few
3:42 - She's up - there is no denying it so I jump up and pump real quick. No time to even put the milk away - change her and get to feeding. There is little spitting, but she is uncomfortable and grunting. We sit until 5am and they lay down.
6:00 - Loud grunting starts......I get up - there is no more sleep today.
So in all I get a couple of hours spread apart. Better than the nights of nothing, but not exactly good sleep yet. Maybe by next month.
Well my time for being without the baby was up in the middle of this post. She is nestled in her front carrier now and seems to be back to sleep after some discomfort.
Now if only I could figure out how to get my two year-old dressed we are ready for our day.
I will put up more pictures later today. Since I don't get to put this baby down, it is hard to get pictures of her.
Take care.
1 comment:
Wow! What a schedule!
I got up to pee a couple of times lastnight, but had plenty of time to put the milk away before going to bed. :P
Can't wait for the pictures! Check your hotmail.
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