Christmas 2010 was pretty much the most awesome day ever. The kids were so excited, they slept all night, they were good and they were thankful. The girls got up at 5:45 to crawl in bed with us and wait for Adam to get up.
Adam got up around 6:30 and we made it out to the front room for stockings.
Santa even left everybody a note.
We opened our stocking stuffers and waited for Grandma and Papa to come over before going downstairs. 6:45 we were headed down.
We had a great time opening tons of presents from Santa.
Layla somehow got her Ariel and Flounder first. It was the only thing she asked for this year.
Hannah got her Dolphin pillow pet.
Adam got the Fly Boat.
How cute is this picture?
Adam got a tricycle which he already can ride pretty well. We can't wait to get it outside!
Spiderman bop it was a big hit for about 16 hours until it popped.
The instruments only lasted about 8 hours before being broke.
We just had a great morning. We made cinamon rolls and had coffee. Everyone was happy and we just had the best time playing all morning.
After naps Grandma and Papa came back over for afternoon Christmas. They brought all their gifts then so the kids got to start all over!
Adam got a remote control bus! He digs it. He got a million new cars and trucks and the car garage. Between all his new cars, etc. he entertained himself all day.
We are the proud owners of 7 pillow pets. I am thinking about selling some of them, but look how cute they all are.