Monday, November 24, 2008
8 Weeks
Adam is 8 weeks and doing well. He is getting quite chunky. I'll have to get a picture of him getting ready to tub. He is probably close to 14 lbs I would imagine. He eats still 8 times a day and naps in between about 3/4 of his feedings. His naps are anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours depending and he is on no ones schedule. We just live around Adam's schedule :) The good news is that most of his naps are carried out in his own bed. Sometimes we can even "put him down" for a nap - meaning he is awake and tired, we put him in bed, and he goes to sleep. Yay! This works maybe once a day, but we know eventually he will do it consistently. We do play a fair amount of "fetch my pacifier please" during the daytime naps. This is funny because if you try to give him one while awake, he gets pissed. He only wants it to sleep. Fine by us.
Adam is sucking on his hands a lot so perhaps he will find a thumb or finger to suck instead? We can only hope. He does not get pacifiers at night so that is good. He usually crashes and if he does have one, we take it away before putting him in bed. Our roughest time with Adam is 5-8pm. He is still can get pretty fussy. He also is very uncomfortable from about 5-7am. We don't know why, but holding, walking, bouncing, etc does not help during this time. All in all we are doing ok. I do wish we would get a longer stretch of sleep at night going as both the girls were going much longer at this point. Hopefully it is just around the corner. At least that is what I keep telling myself :)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Screamfest 2008 - Shockley House
You missed it. It was quite an event. It began at around 4 yesterday when Hannah (up at 6am and no nap) started acting out. She spent most of the evening in time out - screaming and trying to make herself throw up. When she was out she was hurting or taking toys from Layla so that led to Layla crying most of the evening also. No one ate their dinner. No one had fun.
Then around 6:15 Adam joined his sisters with his screaming that was not cured by changing, feeding or trying to rock/sway/bounce.
6:45 - Layla goes to bed - one less voice.........
6:55 - Hannah falls asleep on couch and is carried to bed.......
Adam carries on until 8:15 when he finally passes out.........
This evening required an extra glass of wine and 10 minutes in the driveway for mom. I just needed to be away from the crying and didn't at all mind the frigid temperatures. Matt indulged in some vodka and football to help him relax.
Thank God Adam slept until 1:30 am. At least I got 4.5 hours of sleep out of the deal.
Our morning hasn't been much better. We aren't sure why, but we hope it gets better soon.
Then around 6:15 Adam joined his sisters with his screaming that was not cured by changing, feeding or trying to rock/sway/bounce.
6:45 - Layla goes to bed - one less voice.........
6:55 - Hannah falls asleep on couch and is carried to bed.......
Adam carries on until 8:15 when he finally passes out.........
This evening required an extra glass of wine and 10 minutes in the driveway for mom. I just needed to be away from the crying and didn't at all mind the frigid temperatures. Matt indulged in some vodka and football to help him relax.
Thank God Adam slept until 1:30 am. At least I got 4.5 hours of sleep out of the deal.
Our morning hasn't been much better. We aren't sure why, but we hope it gets better soon.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
7 weeks and smiling
Adam can smile. He doesn't do it a lot just yet, but he has his moments and is trying to coo also. He can make "arrr" (his pirate noise) and "gooo" (the baby noise). He smiles biggest for Grandma (as all my kids have) and his sisters. Something about Grandma just makes kids smile. He also sleeps best on Grandma (as all the kids have). Grandmas are just special like that.
Adam is doing ok these days. He is fussy pants after eating and always in the evening, but he is growing and getting stronger so that is good. He spits up if he is jostled, put down too soon or if he eats too much, but otherwise he keeps his food in the belly. He does have some reflux/colic after he eats for a while though, and he burps a ton. The prevacid seems to be helping and he doesn't cry when he spits up anymore so that is nice.
Adam still gets up around 12 and 3 to eat so no movement there just yet. This is a rough schedule that all new moms hope gets better soon. He just won't go longer than 4 hours then 3 hours at night. We might have to help him do this at 2 months. I think he is close to 13 lbs so he need not be eating at 12 anymore!
Tonight is Adam's second night with Grandma! I am so excited I could cry. I love my baby, but I am having a nice dinner with my husband (thanks also to Shelly for watching the girls). I am going to have 2 glasses of wine and then - sleep! Yay me! Last time we did this I stayed up too late (election night) and was up worried after 4am, but now that I know he did fine - I should do better.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Only one more day
Ugh - I can't wait until Matt is back and this week is officially over.
Thanks to my helpers (Grandma and Aunt Shelly) we made it this far without mommy loosing it.
Sleep is still hard to come by although Adam took two good naps yesterday. Today he is struggling again and I have no idea why. Our nights are still stupid so nothing new to report there.
The girls are doing ok, but they are ready for their daddy to come home. They are at school today so that is nice (for them and me really - they love school). I got to take a nap so that was awesome.
My serious little man. He is trying so hard to smile. Maybe next week.
My silly girl. 
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Day three and four
Yesterday was ok since Grandma is back. Yay Grandma.
I got a short nap so that was nice. The girls are in school today so I also got a snooze in this morning. It was much needed since Adam is on a terrible rough stretch. It is just aweful. I have no idea what to do other than just wait it out. I am getting about 4 hours of sleep a night. It sucks.
I will post some pictures soon.
Three more days until Matt is back..........
I got a short nap so that was nice. The girls are in school today so I also got a snooze in this morning. It was much needed since Adam is on a terrible rough stretch. It is just aweful. I have no idea what to do other than just wait it out. I am getting about 4 hours of sleep a night. It sucks.
I will post some pictures soon.
Three more days until Matt is back..........
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Day two of seven
Today didn't go as well. The baby didn't sleep much and the girls also didn't sleep. Layla yelled and kept Hannah up, then she pooped. She ended up sleeping for an hour, but Adam was up, so no nap for me. Layla is also very clingy right now because of teeth and her cold so that is really hard on all.
Thanks to Candice and Carley for helping out this weekend. The did come play with the girls so that was nice. They are 13 and 15 so the chance to make some money was good for them.
I got 5 hours of sleep last night. On to day three...........
Thanks to Candice and Carley for helping out this weekend. The did come play with the girls so that was nice. They are 13 and 15 so the chance to make some money was good for them.
I got 5 hours of sleep last night. On to day three...........
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Day one of seven
Done. The baby slept a lot today. He was fussy whenever he was awake so maybe growing?
The girls were ok. They got up early and took early naps, but they hung in there.
I got 4 hours of sleep last night and a half hour nap. on to day two..........
The girls were ok. They got up early and took early naps, but they hung in there.
I got 4 hours of sleep last night and a half hour nap. on to day two..........
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Bye Bye Daddy
Matt is leaving tomorrow for 8 days. If you cannot see my tears, I assure you they are there. We have some people lined up to help out throughout the week so that will be good. With the girls having colds and the baby, I need all the help I can get.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Someone asked me how Layla was doing and I realized I had not updated in a while. Layla is doing awesome. We are going to trial dairy with her again this month and hope she passes this time. If not - we can't try again until she is 3. She still takes prevacid and we will try to wean her again sometime next year. I am not trying that until after the holidays since she is doing so great and I know she will get a lot of foods she hasn't had before this holiday season.
Layla is such a joy. She is a very happy toddler and very sweet and funny. She says over 100 words and even started stringing words together, so she is doing great. She climbs everything and is very coordinated and strong. She rarely fusses unless she is being bothered or she can't get something she wants. Even now, she has a terrible cold, but she is still in a pretty good mood. Her newest words are treat (thanks to Halloween candy) cookie and hot dog. She constantly suprises us with more things she knows and just says. When she wants to be held, she says "Got you". When she wants to go to bed, she says "night night". When she wants to eat she says "bite" or "high chair". She says "juice" is she is thirsty. She is just amazing. She is my momma's girl and we have a very special bond and I hope always will. She makes me smile even on my worst days.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Fall Fun
The girls have enjoyed the beautiful fall weather these last few days. It is going to get cold this week so we know this was a special treat!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
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