I realize I have slacked on the news portion of my blog. So here is some news..........
Hannah is doing well. She is in preschool 3 days a week until October and then will go 2 days a week this school year. She knows most of her letters, how to spell her name, her phone number, etc. She has known her colors and shapes for a long time. She knows most of her numbers, but gets 2 and 5 backwards and that is pretty normal. She is a very caring and sweet girl who loves girly things (we attribute this to Grandma). She also can be a handful. She is definitely a strong willed child who knows what she wants. She tends towards whining when she doesn't get her way and she can be a little mean to Layla sometimes. We don't think she is mean spirited, but regular sibling stuff - taking toys, wanting her to go away, holding her down when she is trying to crawl. I remember all of these behaviors with my brother (and way worse) and we are friends now so there is hope. Hannah loves her friends and her family. She has taken to saying her own prayer before every meal "Dear God, Thank you for my food. Thank you for my mommy. Thank you for my daddy. Thank you for my sister and thank you for my brother. Amen." That is about all she can handle right now and it is sweet. Hannah gets up with the birdies in the 5am hour still as she has her whole life. Most days we can convince her to go turn on the TV herself which is at least a step in the right direction. She eats what seems like 4-5 bites of food every 24 hours and somehow she still is alove today. We don't know how she survives this way, but she is still growing and is healthy so I guess she is getting what she needs. She is thin but doesn't look unhealthy and she is plenty active. Hannah is still on the clumsy side and is regularly covered in bruises from knee to ankle. She loves animals and music and playing pretend.

Layla has taken to sleeping in the past few days. It is wonderful. She has turned into quite the good eater and does really well as long as no dairy (even the hidden variety) finds its way into her belly. She has 6 teeth and is getting really close to walking. She has taken 3 or 4 steps a few times and often stands unassisted. She realizes what she is doing and then gets down to crawl. Sometime this summer we will be chasing her. Layla loves water and anything outside. She is not afraid to get dirty and happily crawls on concrete or strange textures. She is really easy in this regard except she always wants to be down and going. When she is tired or not feeling well she wants to be held - normal stuff. She is a happy kid and likes attention, but she also play really well by herself. Her vocabulary includes mama, dada, nana (hannah), baba, woof, moo, ball, out and go. These last two are loudly proclaimed in response to passing any window or door. Layla is a climber and we had to hide our wagon since she can't sit still for 30 seconds in it. She wants to stand and walk around in it, dive out, climb up, etc. We will have to save it for when she is a bit older and can follow directions. She is just a joyful little ham right now and Matt and I both love this age. Her sweet babyness is starting to fade so we are soaking it all up while we can. Layla is turning into quite the daddy's girl as is expected. She loves rough and tumble play, but she also cuddles with Matt a bit more than me. She likes to just be held by him and get all her daddy hugs and kisses. When she is tired or sick she wants mom as they all do. Mom will take what she gets :)
That's all for now - I hope this was enough to keep you all feeling updated :)