Layla still won't eat and actually gagged and projectile vomited last night an hour or so after dinner. It was an aweful sight. We have a 2nd opinion on Monday with another GI. In the meantime we are just keeping her hydrated any way we can. She will eat her cereal and pears from a spoon so we are watering them down a ton. This is very baffling. I keep hoping it just stops as suddenly as it started.
Sisters being silly.
No movement on the crawling front. She is working so hard to get on all fours, but hasn't quite gotten there yet. She pushes herself backwards across the room which is still funny to us. She is a trooper though and keeps on trying. She will get it.
Eight months........Layla has been a joy and a challenge. I keep thinking that any day now her belly will magically get better and our lives will settle down some. Someday...........