Yes - Layla finally found her feet. She is not obsessed with them like Hannah was, but it is still so very cute. She had that wonderful surprised baby look on her face when she found them.
Layla had her second double ear infection and second round of thrush this past week so it has been a rough stretch. Remember, antibiotics make her puke and thrush medicine makes her puke, so together it is just ridiculous. We will be done with both medicines this weekend so hopefully we can have some good weeks ahead just in time for the holidays! Layla is around 16.5 lbs now so she is growing well. She is not too tall, so her 16.5 lbs is pretty condensed into her chubby thighs. Here are some new pictures of my big baby girl :) 
We are getting ready for Hannah's big 3-year birthday bash! She is so excited and I'm sure it will be fun. We will have about 9 kiddos and some family here to celebrate. With the holidays and the birthdays coming up, we will be a very busy family. 
Take care.
My girls really do wear pants, but they were so cute here after new diapers for each. :)